Sunday, May 5, 2019

Reading All the Chapter Fives in the Book of Mormon -- 2 Nephi

2 Nephi 5

  • The Nephites separate themselves from the Lamanites, keep the law of Moses and build a temple.

  • Laman and Lemuel's anger increases against Nephi, and they try to take away his life. They believe the older siblings are supposed to rule over the people.

  • The Lord warns Nephi to depart and flee into the wilderness and take anyone who would go with him. Nephi ended up taking Zoram and his family, Sam and his family, as well as Jacob and Joseph, and his sisters.
  • They named the place they stopped in, Nephi. 
  • Anyone who was with Nephi called themselves the people of Nephi. 
  • They were exceedingly blessed with their crops. flocks and herds. 
  • Nephi brought the plates with him, along with the ball that was prepared for his father by the hand of the Lord. 
  • The people of Nephi were able to prosper and multiply the land.
  • Nephi prepared swords to defend themselves against anyone who hated him, his children or his people.
  • Nephi taught his people to build buildings out of wood, iron, copper, brass, steel, gold, silver, precious ores, which the Lord had given to them in much abundance.
  • Nephi made many swords like the one of Laban
  • The people wanted Nephi to be their king, but Nephi refused. The Lord instead impressed upon the people that Nephi should be their ruler and teacher until some sought to take away his life.
  • That prophecy was fulfilled and many were cut off from the presence of the Lord. 
  • Because of their cursing, they became idle people, full of mischief and subtly. 
  • "Subtly"--in a manner that is so delicate or precise as to be difficult to analyze or describe.
  • Nephi consecrated Jacob and Joseph to be priests and teachers over the land of his people. 

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Reading All the Chapter Fives in the Book of Mormon -- 1 Nephi

As I work getting back to regularly reading the Book of Mormon, I again looked up different ways of reading for the sake of not just reading it. Also, something about only reading one chapter from each book has sparked my interest. So here we go, let's see what we can find in each book of chapter five.

1 Nephi 5

  • Sariah complains against Lehi because he allowed Nephi, Laman, and Lemuel to go back to Jerusalem to bring back the plates of brass containing the writings of Moses and other prophets. 
  • Her sons return to the tent and Sariah understands why the Lord commanded Lehi to take their family and flee into the wilderness.

Verse 8--Now I know of a surety that the Lord hath commanded my husband to flee into the wilderness; yea, and I also know of a surety that the Lord hath protected my sons, and delivered them out of the hands of Laban.

  • The plates of Brass contained the five books of Moses, which also included the account of the creation of the world and Adam and Eve who were our first parents. Also the record of the Jews from the beginning, even to the reign of Zedekiah, and many prophecies spoken by the mouth of Jeremiah. 
  • Lehi found a genealogy of his fathers, also knowing he was a descendant of Joseph who was the son of Jacob, who was sold in Egypt. He had a physical copy stating his genealogy. 
  • Laban who wanted to keep the plates of brass from Nephi, Laman and Lemuel was also a descendant of Joseph. 
  • Lehi realizes the plates of brass should never perish.

Friday, April 6, 2018

What I Learned In General Conference: How I Felt About Participating in a Solemn Assembly

I absolutely hate being sick, especially when that sickness falls on General Conference weekend (in fact I'm still sick with this darn cold as I write this). I constantly had to get up to blow my nose, or I would fall asleep because I could not keep my eyes open for most of the talks. However, I couldn't keep my head up for most of the conference, I felt a surge of strength as President Eyring had each quorum and group stand to vote in the members in the Quorum of the Twelve and the new president, President Nelson.

When the Relief Society was called to stand, I felt overwhelming tears coming to my eyes as we sustained the new President of the church. When that feeling came to me, I knew without a doubt that President Nelson was meant to be leading us here today, to lead and guide us, and I am grateful we have such a strong leader who is faithful and knowledgeable.  There is no doubt in my mind that he wasn't meant to be here with us when we need Him most in this world.

I know that sustaining a new prophet was of upmost importance.

I know that everyone who spoke in conference was from divine inspiration.

I will try my hardest to follow and study these words that were spoken last Sunday. I will try to grow and learn from these teachings so I can stay close to the Savior and gospel.

I know that even in my "sickness" state standing to sustain President Russell M. Nelson was the most important thing I could have done during General Conference. Even though I've been around for three decades, this is the first time I remember sustaining a new Prophet, Seer and Revelator.

What a special time we live in.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

3.4.18 - What I Learned In Church: How to Recognize the Spirit

1. Who are you?

When I learned the gospel and learned that I was a daughter of our Heavenly Father, it changed me. Suddenly I felt so special--God had actually created me and had created my soul and my life with value and purpose (Sister Joy D. Jones)

2. What is your worth?

President Spencer. W. Kimball quote. "God is your Father. He loves you. And your mother in Heaven value you beyond any measure...You are unique. One of a kind, made of the eternal intelligence which gives you claim upon eternal life."

Worthiness is achieved through obedience. If we sin, we are less worthy, but we are never worthless. "the least the most inferior spirit now upon the worth worlds. No matter what, we always have worth in the eyes of our Heavenly Father.

Spiritual worth means to value ourselves the way Heavenly Father values us, not as the world values us. Our worth was determined before we ever came to this earth. "God's love is infinite and it will endure forever."

3. Verifying the truth of our spiritual worth, how does our Heavenly Father communicate with us?

Elder Rasband (April 2017 General Conference) "The Holy Ghost binds us to the Lord. By divine assignment, He inspires, testifies, teaches, and prompts us to walk in the light of the Lord. We have the sacred responsibility to learn to recognize His influence in our lives and respond.

4. How do we feel and respond to the spirit?

FIRST: We strive to live worthy of the Spirit

If the pull of the world is stronger than the faith and trust we have in the savior, then the pull of the world will prevail every time (Sister Joy D. Jones)

SECOND: We must be willing to receive the spirit
Do we let him lead?

THIRD: We must recognize the spirit when it comes

How do we learn to hear it?

What is the language of the spirit?

FOURTH: We must act on the first promptings.

Nephi said: "I was led by the spirit, not knowing beforehands the things which I should do. Nevertheless I went forth."

"The Lord revealed this additional truth to the Prophet Joseph Smith: "He that receiveth of God, let him accoount it of God: and let him rejoice that he is accounted of God worthy to receive. When we feel the spirit, as this verse explains, we recognize that what we feel comes from our Heavenly Father. We acknowledge Him and praise Him for blessing us. We then rejoice that we are counted worthy to receive"

Monday, January 15, 2018

1.14.18- What I Learned In Church

Today we read from Sharon Eubanks talk "Turn On Your Light" from the October 2017 conference. Here are some parts of the talk that stuck out to me:

The friendships that Relief Society women, young women, and primary girls build with sincere, faithful, godly women and girls to other faiths and beliefs will be a significant force in how the church grows in the last days.

How do we play our part?

What should we do?

1.) Be righteous

Being righteous doesn't mean being perfect or never making mistakes.

2.) Be articulate

Being articulate means to clearly express how you feel about something and why

3.) Be different

When we keep our covenants, it may make us different from others in our culture and society, but it gives us access to inspiration so we can think of different solutions, different approaches, and different applications.

We aren't always going to fit in with the world, but being different in positive ways can be a lifeline to others who are struggling.

4.) Be distinct

Distinct means to be recognizably well defined.

The restored gospel is recognizably well defined. But we have to be distinct about how we follow it.

5.) Do one through four in happy ways

Being happy doesn't mean to slap a plastic smile on your face no matter what is going on. But it does mean keeping the laws of God and building and lifting others. When we build, when we lift the burdens of others, it blesses our lives in ways our trials cannot take away.

There is energy that comes from happiness and optimism that doesn't just bless us--it builds everyone around us. Any small thing you do to light real happiness in others shows that you are already carrying the torch that President Kimball lit.

1.7.18- What I Learned In Church

This new teaching style for both Sunday School and Relief Society is quite interesting. Now instead of sitting in rows, we sit in two rows (half circle style) across the room from each other so we can see who is commenting. We also pass around a microphone so those who want to make a comment are heard by everyone in the room.

In Relief Society we were given little notebooks to write down promptings while reading the lessons throughout the week, or during the lessons. I often write down parts of the lesson that sticks out to me and what things I would like to remember not just for one day.

The first thing we talked during this particular lesson is about the sisters. I never thought about how many sisters there were in our ward. Here are our statistics:

  • There are a total of 219 sisters (not including those who are inactive) 
  • 17 sisters at our assisted care facility
  • 7 have asked that we do not contact them
  • 25 sisters have asked that we do not visit them
  • 16 sisters serving in our Primary program
  • 5 sisters serving in our Young Women's program
  • 2 sisters serving in the library
Some important comments to remember about the sisters around you:

  • We need each other!
  • Love and accept people for who they are
  • Go sit by someone if they're sitting alone
  • Extend yourself to people you don't know
  • Think of ways we can help each other
  • Make connections 

Sunday, August 27, 2017

8.27.17 - What I Learned In Church

  • If you put in your all, you will persevere 
  • Faith is an action word
  • There is no growth in your comfort zone. There is no comfort zone in your growth
  • You bring about what you think about
  • Show gratitude for your families
  • Missionaries leave for two years so families can be together for an eternity
You can't be a mother, wife, aunt, or grandma without:

1.) Prayer

  • Teach kids they are special
  • Connect with heaven 
2. Have faith 

  • Our purpose on this earth is to live and learn about Him
3.) Striving to be a good example

  • Heavenly Father is our literal Father

  • If the Book of Mormon is true, then God lives. Testimony upon testimony runs through its pages of the solemn fact that our Father is real, that he is personal, that he loves his children and seeks their happiness.
  • If the Book of Mormon is true, then Jesus is the Son of God, the Only Begotten of the Father in the flesh, born of Mary," a virgin, most beautiful...above all other virgins.
  • If the Book of Mormon is true, then Jesus is verily our Redeemer, the Savior of the world.
  • If the Book of Mormon is true, Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, for he was the instrument in the hands of God in bringing to light this testimony of the divinity of our Lord.
  • If this book [the Book of Mormon] is true [the president of the Church] is a prophet, for he holds all of the keys, gifts, powers and authority held by the Prophet Joseph, who brought forth this latter-day work.
  • If the Book of Mormon is true, the Church is true, for the same authority under which this sacred record came to light is present and manifest among us today.
[credit "Teachings of the Presidents of the Church: Gordon B Hinckley" Lesson 16- The Power of the Book of Mormon]